Mónica Ruiz Loyola
Artist & Curator
During the program Curatorial Studies, we worked with the extensive collection of modern and contemporary art from Jeanne and Charles Vandenhove. The collection contains some 300 works of art the Vandenhoves have been collecting over the past 50 years.
WEEKEND AT CHARLIE'S brought together seven ensembles of artworks from the collection of the Belgian architect Charles Vandenhove, as well as other private and public sources. The interconnecting ensembles allowed for multiple readings and unexpected juxtapositions, reflecting the unique and surprising composition of the Vandenhove collection.
With works by
Carlos Alfonso | Hilla & Bernd Becher | Christian Boltanski | Elsa Brès | Athos Bulcão | Pierre Caille | Eduardo Chillida | Amédée Cortier | Jo Delahaut | Frédéric Fourdinier | François Hers | Julian Hetzel | Ann Veronica Janssens | Thomas Kuijpers | Sol Lewitt | Guy Mees | Hans Op de Beeck | Lili M. Rampre | Sophie Ristelhueber | Joe Scanlan | Amélie Scotta | Adriaan Van Leuven | Jan Vercruysse | Py & Verde | Didier Vermeiren | Marthe Wéry | Léon Wuidar